Cap and gown sales have arrived. This year, we are partnering with Jostens for all things graduation. Below are links for various graduation items for you to check out.
The most basic package is the “Cap and Gown Unit Only”– this includes cap, gown, and tassel. If you’re interested in additional senior items, such as class rings, letterman jackets, or graduation announcements, other links below have this information.
The “Cap and Gown Unit Only” costs approximately $36 at checkout. Please note– the cap/gown/tassel will be delivered to CVHS in the spring!!!! Any additional items being purchased, will be sent to your home and a delivery fee will be applied.
Cap and gowns are royal blue. If you qualify for a CSF white cap and gown, we will substitute it out in the spring once the list is received by the CSF advisor. 🙂
The deadline to purchase a cap and gown is Friday, January 31, 2025.
At this time, we currently do not have a confirmed graduation date or venue. We will notify all seniors and families as soon as that information becomes available.
Thank you!
Graduation Packages:
Cap and Gown Unit Only (cap, gown and tassel included):