Parent Home Page
Parent Home Page

Updated 11/8/23
Click Here For Parent Opportunities to get involved within our school and community
The Chula Vista High School Parent Center’s mission is to enhance and increase parent involvement, in addition provide a wide range of services for our families, students, and community members. At the Parent Center we collaborate with outside organizations and stakeholders to build relationships and strengthen community connectedness.Services offered at the Parent Center:
- Volunteer Opportunities
- FREE Workshops for Families
- Referrals for Career Training, Health Insurance, Food Banks, Emergency Shelter, and more
- Access to Spartan Clothes Closet
- Resource and Information Center
- School Site Council (SSC) and/or ELAC Member Opportunities
The Parent Center is open for walk-ins Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:00pm. Please feel free to contact your Parent Center Coordinator, Argelia Lopez by phone at 619-476-3396 or via email at
Follow us on Social Media
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Mission Statement CVHS
Welcome to Chula Vista High School, The Home of Champions. We are pleased that your child is a student in our school system and welcome your input and involvement throughout your child’s school career. If you have specific questions about your child, please contact your child’s teacher or counselor for assistance (619)476-3300.
We encourage you to be involved at your child’s school.
Parent involvement has numerous benefits for students and parents. It is a process, not just a program of activities. Your interaction with your children is the cornerstone of parent involvement as parents are the central contributor to their child’s education. All parents have hopes and goals for their children and we look forward to partnering with you to support your child’s success in school. Click here to access information about how you can be involved in your child’s school.
Chula Vista High wants to ensure that all parents have access to the information and resources to help you best support your child’s success.
Jupiter Grades
- All teachers at CVH use one grading system for students and parents to monitor grades and communicate with teachers. You can select your home language and set up alerts and notifications for upcoming assignments/tests and missing assignments.
- Here is a link to a video that provides a student/parent Jupiter Grades tutorial:
Jupiter Grades

- If you need assistance or a password for your access, please contact the Parent Center at 619-476-3396.
Infinite Campus Portal
Infinite Campus is our Student Information System, where you’ll find information on attendance, transcripts, test scores, and schedules.
Both parents and students can access the login portal at:
Students should login with the following credentials:
Username: Student ID Number
Password: (first name initial)(last name initial)(MMDDYY birthdate)
For example, if your name is Jane Doe and you were born on January 1st, 2000, your password would be: jd010100
You should have created an account when you registered your child(ren) for school. However, for those who do not have an account follow these instructions:
- The parents can create a portal account by using their Campus Activation Key. If you have your activation key, on the home screen press “help” on the bottom left. This will drop down an option to continue using the key.
- You will also need the District ID: FCPXPV
For Additional Help:
- Call the Infinite Campus SUHSD Hotline: 619-796-7745