New Student Registration

New Student Registration

Updated 4/08/24

New Student Registration 2024-2025

Step #1

Verify your address to ensure Chula Vista High School is your school of residence with the link below.

Click here for: School Finder

Step #2

Once your address is confirmed or you have an approved district transfer, contact our Registration Team to schedule your appointment at (619)476-3359.
Our Team will need the following documentation in order to register your student(s):

Prepare and Compile the following documentation.

1 .Verification of Residency
Download and Complete Affidavit
Spanish Version

2. Submit Proof of Residency

3. Home Language Survey
Download and Complete 

4. Student Immunization Records

5. Student Transcript

6. Course Description by Grade Level

Step #3

Upon Completion of Step 2, our team will contact you with confirmation of appointment along with an activation code to complete your online registration. Please make sure to complete this registration before your arriving to your appointment. This will ensure your student has a complete registration and a smoother process to your appointment.

Click here to log into Online Registration 

All students are required to complete the (OLR) each year. If you need your campus portal information, please use this form:
Campus Portal Username/Activation Key Request

Step #4 -Last Step

“Registration Day” 

  1. Meet with our Administrator Team to review your Registration
  2. Nurse to Review Immunizations
  3. Psychologist- IEP Course Recommendation (if applicable)
  4. Tester (If applicable)
  5. Registrar
  6. Meet with Assigned Counselor and go over Course Description and Student Schedule
  7. Library to pick up laptop device (if applicable)
  8. ASB Student ID/ Campus Tour
  9. Student Reports to Class

Please call  if you have questions about registration at Chula Vista High School.

Leslie Mcclelland 
Chula Vista High School Registrar
Phone: (619)476-3329
